Want your book reviewed? IndieLit can do it and here’s how!

by | indielit, Indielit Deutsch

IndieLit is getting a fresh new face this year, with cool events, up-and-coming Berliner authors and exposure to more unique writing than ever before! We are looking for you, new writers with creative talent, to review. With our new book reviewing policy, here’s how you can get yourself reviewed and give the world a sneak preview to your talents!
We’ve been across Berlin and seen unique, unknown authors not getting the credit they deserve, rich language, interesting plots and crazy, modern structures that should be shown to the world! This year, indieBerlin is renewing our indieLit page to offer you the best PR, reviews and events for your literature.

To start with, you can get either a full review or our special ‘speed review’. Obviously reading a book and appreciating all the small nuances within it can take quite a while, and we do go on a case-by-case basis, but we like to give it a month on average. With our speed review, you can get this done within a week and are charged less as we might not have been able to cover everything!

We accept all genres, pdf and e-book formats and any form of writing you choose, including poetry and non-fiction. We will charge on a basis of page numbers too (which is only fair to our reviewers!) and we do have limitations on how many books we can review too, so make sure you stand out!

If you want us to review a hard copy of your book, it will be necessary for you to send a copy to us via the post and in order to get your book reviewed efficiently, this means that you agree to have both excerpts of your work and pictures published within our review.

So, how to get in contact with us? You can either fill out our form via our application form on our website or send an email to either indie-lit(@)indieberlin.de including your full name and email address, the title and genre of your book, plus whether it is poetry/fiction/non-fiction, the page count of your book, and with an excerpt and we will get back to you as soon as possible.
For a more full set of rules on how to apply, look at our more in-depth book reviewing policy page. Any further questions or inquiries can be sent to either indielit(@)indieberlin.de or to our new indieLit editor, Laura, at laura-mclain-smith(@)indieberlin.de. Thanks for keeping literature alive!
Please get in touch if you would like to be an indieLit reviewer too!

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