Lucidez in interview – Ab Jetzt Bin Ich Laut

by | Music, music interview

Lucidez is a singer/songwriter from Bernau near Berlin. Over the last 8 years she has composed and sung her own songs, mainly in the areas of pop, rock, Latin and singer/songwriter, making waves and making music with her refreshingly honest take on pop and pop life.

indieRepublik: Tell us a little bit about your musical background


LUCIDEZ: I’ve been making music for about 8 years now. I started out just playing the piano, which I taught myself through YouTube tutorials because I still can’t read music ๐Ÿ™‚ At some point I started writing songs and then taught myself to play the guitar.

If someone had asked me 10 years ago if I could imagine doing something with music, I would probably have just laughed and shaken my head ๐Ÿ™‚ But now I can’t imagine life without it.

indieRepublik: How did you come up with the name LUCIDEZ?

LUCIDEZ: I thought for a long time about what a good artist name would be, and since my last name is “Helle” and I really like the Spanish language, Spanish music, etc., I decided to see what my last name means in Spanish, and it ended up being “Lucidez”, which is why my artist name is Lucidez. ๐Ÿ™‚

Crowds and the volume aren’t my thing… I’m more of an observer

indieRepublik: How does the songwriting process work for you?

LUCIDEZ: It varies a lot, but I usually start with the melody. Often it’s songs that I’ve heard and really liked and then I know that I want to make a song that goes in that direction…The songwriting usually comes after that and then it varies, sometimes the inspiration is there straight away and the song is finished in a day, but sometimes it just takes 3-4 or more days. I know now that if I can listen to a new song in a week without finding it annoying or bad, then it’s a good song, at least for me ๐Ÿ™‚

indieRepublik: Tell us a secret about yourself.

LUCIDEZ: Actually, I’ve never been to a real concert by big artists, which is funny because I play my own concerts and gigs ๐Ÿ™‚ Of course I’d love to go, but I just think the crowds and the volume aren’t my thing… I’m more of an observer and watch a lot of videos of other musicians’ performances to learn from them and their performances.

indieRepublik: Where do you get your inspiration from?

LUCIDEZ: I get my inspiration from my life or from everyday situations. Sometimes I hear words or sentences that make me think “That could be a good line or a good song title!”, but sometimes it’s situations that concern me that I want to write about because I find it difficult to talk about them or express them differently…

indieRepublik: What was your biggest stage fuck-up?

LUCIDEZ: Well, not really fail, but I always talk too much when I’m on stage and mostly crazy stuff, it’s really annoying xD But that’s just me ๐Ÿ™‚

indieRepublik: What was the nicest compliment you’ve ever been given?

LUCIDEZ: Last year I was at the “30 Years of Havelland” event at Ribbeck Castle, and I performed on the BB Radio stage and when the presenter introduced me and we chatted a bit, he said that I’m almost like Taylor Swift because I turn my life situations into songs, and that was of course a huge compliment because I think Taylor Swift is really great and she is of course one of my role models.

indieRepublik: How do you feel about covering a song?

LUCIDEZ: My mantra to myself from the beginning was to do my own thing and not to copy other people’s work. Of course I play cover songs at gigs, but I make sure I do it in my own style because that’s what defines me as an artist ๐Ÿ™‚

indieRepublik: Do you prefer to play big festivals / stages or smaller club gigs?

LUCIDEZ: It varies, of course small gigs are nice because the atmosphere is so incredibly beautiful, but I’m usually a very reserved person and I feel like I dare to open up more at bigger events or festivals ๐Ÿ™‚

indieRepublik: Do you see your songs in colour or in black and white?

LUCIDEZ: Actually in color… With my song ” Vรกmonos” I immediately had a summery atmosphere in front of me while I was writing it, sunset, warm summer air, in the colors orange, yellow, blue and yes, it’s hard to explain, but there are just songs where you imagine the whole song ๐Ÿ™‚







New EP โ€žLAUTโ€œ:

Debut-Album โ€žTeufelskreisโ€œ:

First EP โ€žUnspokenโ€œ:

Upcoming Gigs:

22.06.24 โ€“ 16-17:30 Uhr โ€“ Woderkant Festival at the Kieler Woche

13.07.24 –ย  StraรŸenmusikfestival in Eisenhรผttenstadt

26.07.24 โ€“ COMM:UNITY Festival at the Webellin See

08.08.2024 โ€“ Hanse Sail Rostock

More Gigs on my Website!

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