We review your music

You’ve created something special. now let people know

have your music reviewed by one of our top reviewers.


We listen, we care. We’ve been there. We want you to succeed. We want you to get the word out.

we have to charge a fee. sorry.


We offer reviews as a paid service. That doesn’t mean our reviews aren’t done with love or aren’t entirely honest.

here’s why that’s okay.


We guarantee a positive review. How can we do that and remain honest? Easy. If we don’t like the music, we don’t review it. We’re not here to cut people down but to help them on their way. 

Our reviews are posted on indierepublik.com, indie.berlin and on the @indieberlin Facebook page (12K+ folloewrs) and Instagram page @indie.republik (3.5K followers). Upon request we can also share to befriended blogs including all-tomorrows-parties.de; my-top-ten-tracks.com; the-best-new-bands.com and get-on-the-guest-list.com.

Please use the form to give us your details


Please note, this doesn’t commit you to anything (or us :)). We’ll check out the music and promise to get back to you inside a week max. Any questions please use the contact box above to mail us.

get in touch

Get in touch and let’s talk. We’re always up for a chat and we’re more than happy to answer questions, take suggestions and discuss ideas.


+49 157 3745 7915

Doysen str. 3, Charlottenburg, Berlin

hit us up, we're always open

8 + 6 =