Introducing Our Newest Team Member – Chloe Gale

Introducing Our Newest Team Member – Chloe Gale

Here at indieBerlin, we’re delighted to introduce our newest member of our team: Chloe Gale. Chloe is a British expat, who has been weaned on Downton, English Breakfast tea and Vogue. Her previous work includes prestigious names, such as: Vogue House, The Lady...
indieberlin does the Vogue Fashion Night Out

indieberlin does the Vogue Fashion Night Out

We went to check out the LNFA event in Bikini Berlin, which was cool. Free French cocktails (read that as you will) and loads of fashion. Fashionistas turned and twirled and twirled again. What’s completely cool at the LNFA shop is that in one corner...