Paula Immich in interview – “It’s only fashion, dear”

by | Fashion

indieberlin: Tell us a little bit about yourself.

Paula Immich: I was born and raised in Berlin. My formal education in fashion consists of one year of fashion school. Before dying of boredom I dropping out and went to Paris. After that followed an intense phase of studying modern dance in New York, realizing I am much more a backstage-personality than a limelight-character. I worked many years as a stylist until I started doing my own thing which is still the big obsession of life.

indieberlin: What triggered your passion for fashion?
I started making dresses for my dolls when I was a little girl…
Paula Immich: I started making dresses for my dolls when I was a little girl, however only for the front. At the back they stayed naked. My conception of the body as a 3-d thing was not yet very clear. Fortunately for my customers today I grasp the idea a little better.

indieberlin: What are your sources for inspiration generally, and/or for your new collection specifically?

Paula Immich: One idea develops out of the other and along the way of working on something I pick up new ideas, which lead to new ideas… This often gets me into difficulties and can be rather frustrating because the ideas come so much faster than I can realize new projects.

indieberlin: How would you describe your unique style?
I love clear, simple lines and subdued color tones and black again and again.
Paula Immich: I have given up trying to analyze my style – it’s only fashion, dear: it can change any minute, so what I find interesting today might be boring for me tomorrow.  I love clear, simple lines and subdued color tones and black again and again. At the same time I love strong, bright colors and graphic and decorative elements so I always maneuver through this conflict.

indieberlin: How would you describe your new collection?

Paula Immich: I stopped thinking or working in terms of collections. I find Collections are something for the “grandes maisons” who can afford big shows and working very season oriented, producing umpteen of collections a year.
Styling is very important for me. Without styling a top  is just a top and pants are pants
Myself I just keep on designing throughout the year and looks are tied together the moment I photograph them on a model in a certain setting. Then I see how pieces work together.Styling is very important for me. Without styling a top  is just a top and pants are pants. The art of putting them together creates the style.

indieberlin:  Which would you say is the best piece in your current collection?

Paula Immich: The best piece for whom? One piece can be stunning on one woman and just plain boring or too much on the other …

indieberlin: Do you work nationally or internationally? And if internationally, what difficulties do you find exist for doing that?

Paula Immich: Even though Europe is struggling, I still do live and believe in Europe and furthermore Berlin has become so international in the past years so that if you want to reach out to people you better communicate in English otherwise you restrain yourself to a very small world and limited group of people.

indieberlin: How do you find the experience of working as a fashion designer in Berlin – in terms of it being a centre of creativity, in terms of the emerging artists and fashion designers?
The problem is in order to make a living through your work, you need the clients who can spend and appreciate what you do
Paula Immich: Contrary to what people think Berlin is not a very rewarding market to sell fashion in. Dressing negligent is a characteristic expression of people in Berlin. Everything chic is suspicious. The problem is in order to make a living through your work, you need the clients who can spend and appreciate what you do.

Speaking of the creative side: if you want to get something done usually this means you stay hours working alone in your studio. So my participation in the cultural life of Berlin is limited.

indieberlin: What advice would you give for fashion lovers?

Paula Immich: Dare to be more chic!

indieberlin: What projects do you have planned for the future?

Paula Immich: I want to see my little label grow and continue my work.

indieberlin: How can people find you – online and in the real world?

Paula Immich: You find me at and of course also on fb and instagram. if you sign up for my newsletter you will be updated monthly about new pieces or small events in my studio. – And if you like don’t hesitate to make an appointment and come by at my studio it will be my pleasure to show you around!

Interview by Gloria de Grossi | Edited by Noel Maurice

Photos by Paula Immich | Model Mathujana Pamini

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