indieBerlin talks to Alabama Blonde – Australian fashion designer now in Berlin

by | Fashion

Alabama Blonde, fashion designer out of Australia, has long been making waves with her riveting looks and dark images – she’s popped over to Berlin and we had a word…
indieberlin: Alabama, tell us a little bit about yourself.

Alabama: Hello. I am Alabama Blonde. I am an Australian fashion designer from Melbourne. I am inspired by punk music, Siouxsie Sioux, identity, the human experience and texture.

indieberlin: What triggered your passion for fashion?

Alabama: I think as someone who has struggled with my own identity and beauty at many points in my life, I found fashion to be an outlet that my friends and I used to identify with and express ourselves.
Heart break, death, the human experience
indieberlin: What are your sources for inspiration generally, and/or for your new collection specifically?

Alabama: Punk music/culture, Siouxsie Sioux, identity, heart break, death, the human experience + texture… Having things fall apart/break apart & being put back together

indieberlin: How would you describe your unique style?

Alabama: I dress how I feel… I don’t over think it too much. I like black, I like texture, I like skin and body parts
It started with the phrase ‘you cannot destroy me | i destroy me’
indieberlin: How would you describe your new collection?

Alabama: As a scream. All the pieces of my broken heart being put back together because of the inspiration and support I have from my family and friends. The work of my friend Shezaana Sadikeen @loser_art. It started with the phrase ‘you cannot destroy me | i destroy me’… This collection is about ownership. The bondage trenches are like cocoons you can strap yourself into. It’s about feeling safe + empowered.
The leather fringing falls like a weeping veil from cuff to cuff
indieberlin: Which would you say is the best piece in your current collection?

Alabama: I don’t think there’s a best piece… But in terms of the pieces I am most proud of I would say the leather fringed biker. The leather fringing is floor length – and falls like a weeping veil from cuff to cuff

indieberlin: Do you work nationally or internationally? And if internationally, what difficulties do you find exist for doing that?

Alabama: Internationally. Just the distance is hard. I like to be immersed in my work – and Australia is very far from places like Berlin, where I find myself travelling to frequently for both work and inspiration
I am generally shooting back to back in between walking the streets, inhaling in inspiration and getting tattooed
indieberlin: How do you find the experience of working as a fashion designer in Berlin – in terms of it being a centre of creativity, in terms of the emerging artists and fashion designers?

Alabama: Overtime I come here people are amazingly open to creating and collaborating. Whenever I come here I am generally shooting back to back in between walking the streets, inhaling in inspiration and getting tattooed.
You deserve to feel good and unapologetically you
indieberlin: What advice would you give for fashion lovers?

Alabama: Don’t apologise.

indieberlin: What projects do you have planned for the future?

Alabama: Continue to make garments, put on events and ultimately to be a voice of change in this crazy & often messed up world. I want to do my part in making world a better place. I want to make garments that encourage people to embrace themselves and feel empowered when they are wearing them. You deserve to feel good and unapologetically you.
Trends? I have zero idea. I am completely oblivious to trends.
indieberlin: How can people find you – online and in the real world?

Alabama: Real world – in Melbourne, Berlin or in Japan that the end of this year. My garments are stoked at Level Eight Berlin. Online world – find me on instagram @alabamablonde or via my website

Indieberlin: What trends do you currently see in the fashion industry?

Alabama: I have zero idea. I am completely oblivious to trends.

indieBerlin: How do you stay up to date with fashion?

Alabama: I don’t… I try to stay up to date with myself, what going on in the world and what is inspiring me personally.

Image Credits:
Image 1 + 2
Sam Wong Photography

Image 3 + 4
Harmony Nicholas Photography

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