Indoor Options at the Fete de la Musique – Basement Bash @ Auster Club, Kreuzberg

by | indieBerlin

Well wouldn’t you know it: nigh on perfect weather for days if not weeks, and on the day of the biggest open air event of the year, there it is: storm warning!

The skies are black as I write this and the weather report people have told us there is a chance of it hammering down, so in case you’re heading out to experience the FETEBerlin in all its multi-staged, multi-faceted glory and you feel those first heavy drops, then allow me to reassure you: there are some events being held inside!

And one of those events, natch, is our very own Basement Bash FDLM Special in Auster Club! (Subtle segue, huh?)

That’s right, after we realised that our first venue choice, the wonderful, many-beered HOME Bar in F-Hain, would after all be a bit small for we had planned, our friends at the cool and groovy Auster Club in Pรผckler strasse, Kreuzberg, opened their arms and their doors and agreed that we could hold it there.

Just upstairs is the famous Markthalle 9, and lo and behold, Thursday is Street Food Day at the market, so you can easily combine grabbing a bite or two of a whole variety of possible street food choices, and then pop downstairs to hang out and enjoy the sounds of such luminaries as Ponte Pilas, Banglist, Askers Dodge, Moa McKay, Me and the Monster and the “Supergroup” put together for ONE NIGHT ONLY, the Midnight Transvestites!

Just upstairs is the famous Markthalle 9, and lo and behold, Thursday is Street Food Day

And since Fete de la Musique ends at 10pm and Fete de la Nuit starts at the same time and goes into the night, 10pm will see the start of the Bash Babes DJ Set! Yes that’s right, after all the live bands have finished across the city and it’s all over bar returning the empties, our delightful Bash Babes will keep the party going late into the night!

So come on down – come rain or come shine – earlier or later – we’re looking forward to seeing you there!

Want address details and the like? Here you go…

And if you’re a Facebook Event kind of person, then that’s here!

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